“Like how snakes would have hands”
With her last crewmate from the High Havoc fallen, Lee and her two remaining companions are left with precious little time to escape the four armed Gargoyles who slayed their friend.
Album Art: https://i.imgur.com/IlhMSQv.jpg
Artwork by @shaunmakes
Audio Production by Astronomic Audio
Shaun as The Dungeon Master
Cristina as Douglas
Dan as Leanni ‘Leanna’ Servana
Jake as Krait
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“Twisted”, “Anguish”, “Artifact”, “The Complex”, “River of Io”, “Serpentine Trek”, “Dragon and Toast”, “Nerves”, “Five Armies”, “Faceoff”, “Mystic Force”, “Constance”, “Industrial Cinematic”, “Minima”, “Malicious”, “Movement Proposition”, “Machinations”, “Prelude and Action”, “Zombie Chase”, “The Descent”, “Brittle Rille”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0