House of Annihilation Chapter 30 [5E]

“Don’t step to me on the ninja turtles”
Album Art:
Moore gets more familiar with his new crew. A strange voice annoys Krait and everybody is puzzled. The rest of the party go deep in the weeds.

Artwork by @shaunmakes
Audio Production by Astronomic Audio

Shaun as The Dungeon Master
Cristina as Douglas
Dan as Leanni ‘Leanna’ Servana
Jake as Krait
Trevor as Moore

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“Twisted”, “Willow and the Light”, “Deuces”, “Babylon”, “Lightless Dawn”, “Plaint”, “Lithium”, “River of Io”, “Artifact”, “Dragon and Toast”, “Five
Armies”, “The Complex”, “Unholy Knight”, “Prelude and Action”, “Awkward Meeting”, “Dark Fog”, “Hidden Wonders”, “Tranquility”, “Intrepid”,
“Brittle Rille”
Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0