Episode Notes
“It’s Amazing What Microchips Can do These Days”
Following a successful (?) mission, the team takes care of some housekeeping before preparing for their next gig: infiltrating the Bodybag Nightclub, a hideout of the Gastown Sparks. Countdown Clocks
Album Art: https://i.imgur.com/FWBZAZ2.jpg
Artwork by @shaunmakes
Audio Production by Astronomic Audio
Jake as The GM
Alex as Garrett
Cristina as Olivia
Dan as Tiss
Shubert as Bunk
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“Beachfront Property”, “Vloggers”, “Utter Cruelty”, “Verified Profile”, “Thoughts”, “Lord and Saviour”, “Henderson”
John Julius (john-r-julius.bandcamp.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0