Hello all, Jake here!
For your blog post today, I’ve got a little booster pack of misc D&D 5E magic items for you.
Amulet of Heroes
Wondrous item, Very Rare (Requires attunement)
When you use inspiration to gain advantage on a roll, if either roll is a 20 then you regain inspiration.
Additionally, when you drop to 0 or less hit points, gain inspiration if you don’t already have it.
Distilled Doubt
Potion or Poison (ingested), Consumable, Very Rare
After ingesting this liquid, a creature gains advantage and resistance against any illusion spells or effects for 12 hours. Additionally, they are plagued with suspicion: they automatically fail any insight checks and treat all creatures as hostile for the purpose of spells and abilities. An unwilling creature must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw to ignore these effects.
Distilled Atheism
Potion or Poison (ingested), Consumable, Very Rare
After ingesting this liquid, a creature gains resistance against any damage from celestials or fiends for 1 minute. If ingested by a creature that gains power from a divine or otherworldly being, they are unable to cast spells for the duration. An unwilling creature must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw to ignore these effects.
Kabuto plate
Plate armor, Rare (requires attunement)
A suit of heavy armor with a large horn on the helm, decorated with depictions of beetles and other insects.
Once a day as an action, you can move your speed in a straight line. During this movement, you can enter and move through spaces occupied by creatures your size or smaller, provoking attacks of opportunity. At the end of the movement, you can make a melee weapon attack and a shove against each creature you moved through in this way.
Lantern, Puppetry
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
A dim lantern with a hood shaped like silhouettes of dancing humanoids. It casts dim light in a 40ft radius.
Once a day, the lantern can be activated by lowering the hood. For each creature within 40 ft, (including the user) create a Shadow under the DM’s control in a space adjacent to that creature. Each shadow acts on their creature’s initiative and attacks that creature. The shadows disappear if their creature is reduced to zero or less hitpoints, or after 1 minute.
Lantern, Brilliant
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
An especially bright lantern that casts bright light in an 80-foot cone and dim light for an additional 80 feet.
Once a day, the lantern can be activated as an action to unleash a brilliant flash of light. Each creature in an 80ft cone must succeed on a DC 13 Reflex save or take 4d6 Radiant damage and be blinded for 1 round. On a successful save, a target takes half damage and is not blinded.
Lantern, Guiding
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
An unusual lantern that casts bright light in a 200ft line directly forward. When activated, the beam bends to guide the user towards their destination. Once a day, you can activate the lantern as an action to cast the spell Find the Path.
Lantern, Beacon
Wondrous item, very rare (Requires attunement)
This lantern casts bright light in a 60 ft radius and dim light for an additional 60 ft. To activate the lantern it must be placed on the ground and a ritual performed that takes one minute. When activated, it emits a brilliant pillar of light straight into the air. The pillar is visible to everyone within 1 mile.
While active, all allies within 60ft of the lantern gain the effects of Bless and are immune to fear. The effects end if the lantern is moved or after 10 minutes.
Map Case of Conveyance
Wondrous item, rare
A bleached bone cylindrical map case with gold filigree. Once a month, the case can be used to cast Plane Shift or Teleport with no chance of mishap. This can only be used to travel to a location indicated on a map inside the case.