Broken Tusk Rising Chapter 052 [Pathfinder 2E]
“Xankath Margareth Bramblesong, you are in big trouble!” The scouts venture into a forest and encounter the people they were looking for. Episode Artwork by
For many generations, the Broken Tusk tribe has led their herd through the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. Life may not get any better with this group of characters as their new scouts, but they’re going to try their best anyway.
“Xankath Margareth Bramblesong, you are in big trouble!” The scouts venture into a forest and encounter the people they were looking for. Episode Artwork by
“Can you tell me a story?” The scouts mourn their fallen friend but must forge ahead. Episode Artwork by MikeBroken Tusk Rising Cover Artwork by
“This is called…Vomit Swarm!” The epic battle against the chimera reaches its tragic climax. Episode Artwork by MikeBroken Tusk Rising Cover Artwork by Shaun @shaunmakesTales
“Can I nature my way up the rope?” The Broken Tusk heroes heroically scale a cliff. Episode Artwork by MikeBroken Tusk Rising Cover Artwork by
Episode Artwork by MikeBroken Tusk Rising Cover Artwork by Shaun @shaunmakesTales of Bob Cover Artwork by @CosmicAmazingAudio Production by Mike Featuring:Mike as The GMAshley as
“Call me Lou.” The party talks to Vare, the halfling former crusader, and meets a new friend. Episode Artwork by MikeBroken Tusk Rising Cover Artwork
“Aklep is not a society man” The scouts begin probing Lost Mammoth Valley, which means…hexploration! Episode Artwork by MikeBroken Tusk Rising Cover Artwork by Shaun
“You can’t just ask people how they turned into animals” It’s time to wrap up the Calamity Caves by saving animals and making friends. Episode
“Never fist bump a fire elemental” The scouts continue their battle with the flaming bison skulls. Episode Artwork by MikeBroken Tusk Rising Cover Artwork by
“Sixteen is a lot of wolves” The scouts return to the caves to continue their search for a safe route. Episode Artwork by MikeBroken Tusk
“Quiet, Andreas, the leader of Falcon House is speaking.” Bruised and in mourning, the scouts return to the following to get some input from old
“Please interpret the rules in whatever way helps us.” The Broken Tusk scouts continue the brutal battle against the demonic trees as Aklep slowly fills
“Korgo Ponders Eyeliner” The Broken Tusk scouts encounter and talk to a surprising number of strangers in the dangerous caves. Episode Artwork by MikeBroken Tusk
“A Bola, Not Ebola” The Broken Tusk scouts rest and then return to the cave, where they preview a future threat. Episode Artwork by MikeBroken
“This cave SUCKS.” The scouts continue a desperate battle against the strange creature that has occupied the skin of a smilodon. Episode Artwork by MikeBroken
“Warning: They may be cute” The Broken Tusk scouts decide that they would rather meet a terrifying and deadly monster than hang out with some
“Cold Guano would be a cool band name” A new chapter begins as the scouts say goodbye to two friends and hello to another. Episode
“If we are buried alive, we have magic and a moose” The battle at the foot of the mountain rages on, with Lost Mammoth Valley
“My butt hurts” The fight they have been dreading is finally here: The Burning Mammoths have set up one last obstacle, and the fight to
“I’ve killed many a university student for that.” Now at the pass to Lost Mammoth Valley, the scouts must make one last push. They expect
“The moose sucks Korgo’s nose in a cold and calculated way.” The Broken Tusk scouts confront a desperate-looking Ardissa Prendergant again, as well as a
“Some rocks are jerks.” In a hurry to reach Lost Mammoth Valley, the heroes take what they hope is a shortcut through a snowy forest.
“Confusion is a sign of weakness” The scouts interrogate another captured Burning Mammoth, relax with the following by a lake, and have a weird encounter
“Please Heal the Wolf” The scouts ambush Burning Mammoth scouts, but the fight is more difficult than expected. Episode Artwork by JanetteBroken Tusk Rising Cover
“Xankath Bramblesong, Attorney At Law” Back on the march, the Broken Tusk Scouts try to resolve a forest dispute. Episode Artwork by JanetteBroken Tusk Rising
“A Brand New Car!” A terrible ward overpowers the Broken Tusk scouts. Episode Artwork by JanetteBroken Tusk Rising Cover Artwork by Shaun @shaunmakesTales of Bob
“Is there something spooky in here? It sounds quite spooky.” The scouts explore a ruined barrow, and confront its guardians. Episode Artwork by JanetteBroken Tusk
“Burning Man” The scouts encounter a Burning Mammoth who doesn’t immediately try to kill them, and must decide what to do with him. Episode Artwork
“Jonesy would make a good backpack” The scouts interrogate their prisoner, then resume hexploration. Episode Artwork by JanetteBroken Tusk Rising Cover Artwork by Shaun @shaunmakesTales
“Moose CG is famously expensive.” The scouts ambush their ambushers, attacking a group of Burning Mammoths who are waiting by a stream. Episode Artwork by
“Roadside HGH” The scouts begin their search for Lost Mammoth Valley, exploring new territory. Episode Artwork by JanetteBroken Tusk Rising Cover Artwork by Shaun @shaunmakesTales
“I didn’t want to be Otter House leader anyway.” The Broken Tusk scouts are reunited with some friends, and make a second attempt at defeating
“Totally Innocent and Consensual Porcupette Spell Sucking” The party tries to atone for its murder spree, then courageously walks into a disaster. Episode Artwork by
“We Feel Kinda Bad About the Murders” The Broken Tusk scouts sheepishly talk to a water woman, and then continue their exploration of Red Cat
“How We Met Andreas’s Mother” The heroes are slicing and slaughtering their way through Red Cat Cave, but the monsters keep trying to run from
“Smell Each Others’ Butts” The Broken Tusk scouts have reached Red Cat Cave. What dangers await them inside? And do they really need another furry
“Big Rocks Are Cool” There’s a weird noise coming from the camp of the dead poachers, and there’s still plenty of ground to cover before
“Rage Clicking” The Broken Tusk scouts follow mysterious boot prints up the cliffside and encounter an unexpected group. Episode Artwork by JanetteBroken Tusk Rising Cover
“Demons Come In All Shapes and Sizes” The scouts survey the scene of the battle, make a new friend, and then enjoy the glow of
“Bees and Dees” The scouts continue to lead the following east, and then encounter a group of people who seem to be offering an opportunity
“Save the Kitty” The heroes have been lured to their doom by a terrifying water monster. Will any of them survive, or is it time
“This Episode Has Been Brought To You By the Letter K” The scouts of the Broken Tusk following continue their flight to the east, but
“Faces Are the Softest, Tastiest Part” The Burning Mammoths are trying to poison the Gornok River. Can the heroes stop them so that the following
“Eau de Korgo“ Korgo, Jonesy, Andreas, and Xankath deal with some hungry gremlins and make new friends. Album Art: https://imgur.com/Episode Artwork by Shaun @shaunmakesTales of
“Goodnight, Sweet Mammoth Lord” After dealing with the aftermath of the attack on Rockloom, the heroes get some answers and say a sad farewell. Then
“Chekov’s Baby” All heck breaks loose at the Green Moon ceremony, and the heroes must defend the following! Most importantly, we meet the real hero
“Shaggy’s All That” Everyone gets ready for the Night of the Green Moon. Episode Artwork by Shaun @shaunmakesTales of Bob Cover Artwork by
“Between a Rock and a Hairy Pantless Stranger” The heroes meet a new, friendly NPC, make some new animal friends, and are debriefed by Eiwa.
“That’s So Raven” The party fights some hostile hunters of unknown origin, then move on to their next task: scouting Rockloom. Episode Artwork by Shaun
“Trapper’s Delight” With the water retrieved, the party learns (or fails to learn) how to make traps, and then begins its next errand: hunting some
“How I Met Pakano’s Mother” We begin with a wrestling match, followed by an attempt to complete one of Grandfather Eiwa’s errands. We discover that
“Dances with Mooses” The story begins with the group being sent on an important and dangerous task: A moose hunt! Because it is important to
“Background-y Stuff” It’s the premier of our new show, Tales of Bob, and our new series, Broken Tusk Rising! Meet the players and learn about